Friday, January 6, 2012

Cultural focus on Renaissance art

I think that our culture focuses on Renaissance art because the art produced in the 15th and 16th centuries have good balance of naturalism and stylization that is visually appealing. Some people might feel that Renaissance art is “better” then other art for the same reasons that Greek art can be seen as ”better.” I feel that both Greek and Renaissance artists were able to capture a sense of beauty in all of their works of art. There is more focus on Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Raphael possibly because the quality and quantity of their work. I look forward to learning more about Renaissance art and why our culture focuses on this type of art.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Taylor! Welcome to ART 236. I look forward to reading your posts for another quarter.

    You've brought up a good comparison between the Renaissance art and Greek art. Both of these periods have been held in high regard throughout Western culture. Last quarter we talked about how Winckelmann considered the Classical Greek period as the apex of Western culture. With such artistic similarities between the Renaissance and the classical period, it's easy to see how such assumptions and parallels can be made.

    -Prof. Bowen
