Thursday, December 4, 2014

Final words for the quarter

Overall, I am very pleased with the duration of the quarter. I feel that I pushed myself to step out of my comfort zone a bit and I hope to continue to do so with future photography endeavors. I kind of feel so excited by the turn out of this project that I would like to get a head start with next quarter a bit. I think it would be really awesome to create a sculptural piece similar to some of pieces seen in the final chapter of the Cotton book, or maybe a collage?

Busy as a BEE

Since the last blog post, I have been quite busy finishing up the last bits of the project. I spent a lot of time figuring out the presentation of the locks and ordering the images. Then I went back and did some last minute adjustments, fixing color vibrancy and exposure just to ensure that the images juxtaposed nicely. Lastly, I wrote the necessary statements and printed the project! Only have a couple more things to do before the final.